
When I was reading H&M spring 2010 magazine this photo of Sonia Rykiel fashion show caught my eyes and the though "SNSD!!!" came up in my mind.

SNSD performing Show! Show! Show! in last January. They had Sonia Rykiel inspired outfits!

I didn't notice that before because actually I haven't followed Sonia Rykiel's H&M collections. Because I don't like the collection much T_T This outfit looked cute on SNSD but I still don't like those things on their heads.. those.. plates? haha~

When you opened my blog page, the first thing you noticed must have been the new layout! It's not ready yet I'm still working some things. I have to do new header too, so please don't mind the old one which doesn't fit to this layout for its colours and size. I'll change it as soon as possible.

Second renewal that you maybe noticed.. my blog has new name now. I changed koakumachou to SWEETHEART ❤ STYLE! What do you think? I had thought for a long time already that I want my blog's name to be 'something sweetheart'. I tried to figure out some name like that but I didn't discover any good word before 'sweetheart'. Then I thought some word after 'sweetheart' and I figured it out! Sweetheart Style or Sweetheart Fashion. I found style better so chose it. I already asked but what do you think? Is that name really dumb haha? If you find it dumb, please give me some suggestions. I really want new great name for my blog.

As I have new name now, my url is still same. But if I decide to really keep the name, I'll change the url after a week into sweetheartstyle.blogspot.com. SO REMEBER!!! SINCE 22TH APRIL MY BLOG URL WILL BE http://sweetheartstyle.blogspot.com/ !!!

I still have to ask something. Is the text background colour okay or should I change it to pure white? The current background colour's name is 'Almond' but it still looks kinda pinkish to me.

I think the new header will be simple, maybe just with the text 'Sweetheart Style' because the background is already very decorative. Or I would also like to have a header with my photo but I don't have any good photos of me that could be good for layout.

From this on, I try to improve my blog. I'll post bigger and maybe better photos and won't write so much shit.

And as a last big renewal. I have thought about writing in Finnish again. Often I want to write here my thoughs but I just don't know how to say them right in English. Lately I have also been pretty fed up with blogging because of my boring blog image, layout and name. I wrote my entries really fast and was tired, too. I had a lot of mistakes on writing but was too lazy to read the text again and fix the mistakes. I've got few comments about that it's kinda disturbing so maybe it's better to write in Finnish again. I'm not really that bad in English even my blog maybe gives that image. My grade in high school English is 8 (in Finland 10 is the best, 4 is the worst) and I found it pretty good. It's just that as I said: I've been so tired while writing my entries so there have been such a ridiculous mistakes! I think if I write in Finnish, even when I'm tired, the language won't be so bad.

But it's just that I think most of my readers are foreigners. So I thought I might always add little translation in the end of the text.

Please tell my what you think about it? Which would be better: stay in English or go back to Finnish? Now you have your chance to say your opinion.

See you! Hopefully I'll be back with better blog entries~♥