♡miss you summer⌒♡+゚

Ehehe.. I told you that my blog url is going to change today but some problems came up. First I noticed that some fuckin' retarted has teased me and stolen the url I should have changed into. I don't believe that it could be a coincidence. Damn that's so lame and childish T_____T It seems like some people really don't have a life. Or too much free time. Seriously, that's so childish to create a blank blog just to tease. Hopefully you will grow up someday.

Anyway, I changed the url to better one (but now not telling it here because there seem to exist some idiots..). Yes, I changed the url but then I noticed that all the comments disappeared O_O When I changed url back they also came back.

I also created a new blog and tried blogger's function 'take and bring a blog'. Like that I managed to get all entries and comments but 'followers' thing doesn't show up.

So I really got enough fed up for a one day T_____T Does anyone know how I can move or change the url so nothing will disappear? But anyway, for the present, my blog url will stay same. Hopefully it's okay.

But I have a small request for you. Could you please upgrade your blog list on the side of your blog, so my new blog title will show up there? Thank you very much.

I don't have any outfit or any other photos to show this time, sorry. I'm really busy with school at the moment. Last few days I have been just doing school work and still have many left. Plus that next week we are going to Stockholm and then I've to be absent from school so I get some extra work..

Yesterday when I was studying in the school's studying hall, this song was played in the radio. And this song, it reminded me soooo much about the summer! Because last summer we were in Crete and this song kept playing all the time in the radio. I still remember how the radio always said 'the number one beat of Crete!" :D Also landscapes in the video remind me of Crete♥ I want summer so badly! I want back to Crete. Miss that place so much.