♡SNSD news⌒♡+゚

SNSD's repackaged album Run Devil Run was released and i already introduced you Run Devil Run. there is also two new tracks on the album.

Echo - cutesy style like old SNSD

acoustic R&B version of Star Star Star

i wonder why there is only Yoona in album photo? (o.O) there should be all nine girls! someone said in allkpop.com that the albm photo looks like a movie poster. and hahah that's true i agree! "Run Devil Run coming to theathers soon".

their first live performance of Run Devil Run in Music Bank 100319. woaaah i love Sunny's kick @0:57 (*≧∇≦*)゚

there has been talk about SNSD copying Kesha. Kesha recorded a guide track version of this song and it was unofficial. track was composed by Busbee, Alex James and Kalle Engström and SM Entertainment bought the song from them. so SNSD has copyrights now, they are not copying. here is Kesha's version of Run Devil Run. SNSD makes it so much better! (*^∀^*)