The Lovely Bones...[Abbey Lee]

Abbey Lee will be featured in Korea Vogue..I Love Abbey Lee i mean she's oneof my favorite models doesn't she kinda look like another favorite bird model of mines Anna Selezneva i say bird because she kinda does look like a skinny bird..These models get skinner and skinner every day..I was watching Jessica Simpson's new show The Price Of Beauty or some shit like that and seen this skinny model she looked like she was about to die at any second and it was just so sad...[pics below Isabelle Caro] Don't let no one tell you you have to be skinny in order to work for them..that's Bullshit being a size 0 isn't always cute
By the way has anybody seen the Lonely Bones i love that movie i read that book when i was in 9th or 10th grade and i was super happy -haha when they made the movie if you haven't seen the movie go see it but make sure you take some tissues because i will make you cry a little bit..

*Now Playing Two is Better than one by Boys like Girls- i LOVE this Song
*On Tumblr posting away i finally figured out how it works
What are You doin??