♡Annyeong!Party and weekend⌒♡+

First of all: I wish everyone has very sweet Valentine's Day!
Enjoy your time with your darling & friends ヽ(゜▽、゜)ノ 

In the car going to the railway station
On Friday I oriented to Helsinki (ノ´∀`)
Greetings to Johanna who talked with me in the train
It cheered up my boring train trip \(^0^\)

On Saturday was the big thing
Annyeong!Party ♪(┌・。・)┌ ♪ ┐(・。・┐) ♪

We met with Sanni, Laura, Sari and Niina at 6PM in order to go together to the party
We came one hour later the party had started because we thought there would be no line anymore.
But we were so wrong!(><)
There was still long line and we had to wait almost one hour to get inside √( ̄_ ̄√
So.. now I have cold ( ̄. ̄)

Sari, me, Jae, Sanni and Laura

Quoc, me and Jae └(o゚∀゚o)┘

The whole evening was a lot of fun!
I had really great time with my friends♪(゚▽^*)ノ
Music and dance performances were great

The first performer was ABC dance group (o´∀`o)
They were good!

But my favourite was Jae's dance group d(´▽`)b
Ah that's just my fav song!
And those girls were so hot o(≧∇≦o)(o≧∇≦)o

Tästä puheenollen 5iVE STAR etsii kahta uutta tanssijaa!
Kaivattaisiin tanssitaitoisia Turusta tai sen läheltä
Lisäinfoa löytyy Jaen blogista täältä!

My baby girl Jae
(ps. no, we are not lesbian :D just to prevent all misunderstandings XD)

Here's also overall video from the party〜(σ^▽^)σ
Spot me & Jae at 1:31

Laura and me

Party hard! o(^▽^*三*^▽^)o

Oh I was so afraid I'm going to fall from that stage (´・д・`)

I had to leave the party pretty early because we were meant to got for a dinner with friends again
Others had already started eating & drinking when I came (人´∀`)
Do you know the strange feeling when you join the party and everyone else is already drunk? Hahaha~

Tung & me

It was so cold so I wore Tung's stylish sweater (o^∀^)

And we went to some little club..
I was too tired T__________T

On Sunday I left to home (*´ー`)
Tung bought me this Valentine's Day doughnut