I wish everyone very lucky year 2011 Too bad that eleven is my unlucky number but I hope this year won't be unlucky for me ヽ(  ̄д ̄;)ノ Thought now I have a feeling this year is going to be great! The first days of 2011 have been awesome, hopefully this will continue whole year (●⌒∇⌒●)
Before I tell about my New Year's celebration, I'm gonna post some photos taken in last days of December
Tung came to my place for a couple of days
We were mostly just hanging at my home but this photo was taken after we went to movie theather to watch movie "Rare Exports" (@⌒▽⌒@)I think it really was worth watching although it was a Finnish movie Uh in my opinion I look very bad when I'm not wearing some nude lipstick (_ _,)/~~ All my lipstick had faded away as the pic is taken when we came back to home ヽ( ̄ー ̄ )ノ
Hey does anyone know where I can purchase this eyelash glue? Is there anyone online store selling it? ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ Tung brought me 2 glue tubes from Vietnam in 2009 I have been using them since then but now my last tube is about to run out ヽ(ー_ー )ノ It's really the best eyelash glue ever and I want to get it more
Now about New Year's Eve I took few photos but only few are something I may post here hehe ヽ(^◇^*)/ Here is so much snow in Helsinki ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ
Waiting for the bus to go the centre First I went to Tung's work place. We took together a subway to Kontula where we met with some other friends: Lisa, Duki and Dung ∩(´∀`)∩ Dung drove us to another friend's place where we ate dinner After dinner we went to Duki's aunt's place to sit, drink and talk for a while. Little bit before midnight we went to centre in order to see some fireworks on our way \( ̄▽ ̄;)/ We didn't see much as we decided to go straight away into a club as it was so cold outside.
There was quite big group of us in a club and all the time more and more people joined us As I said there's not many photos to post. You know, boys aren't very eager to take photos \(o・Q・o)/ Just photo of me and Lisa is something I want to post There was some trance party in Tivoli where we were celebrating ヽ(∇⌒ヽ)(ノ⌒∇)ノ Music was really good and whole night was just amazing! I had so much fun♪ヽ(*´∀`)ノ
Ah so sweaty and my hair is all fucked up (;´д` )
That night I didn't drink more than one glass of red wine and one drink at club because I had to drive us home after party. We left the club after 3AM I had never before driven a car in Helsinki's centre so I was a little afraid (ノ_・、) Luckily there wasn't much traffic in that time and everything went well ε=ヾ(*・∀・)/ Although I was very clear I was afraid that a police might come to make blow on a gauge displaying the possible amount of alcohol in the air exhaled which might have shown something But anyway, before going home we went to eat in a grill and finally I went to bed around 5:30AM ヾ(゚д゚*三*゚д゚)ノ
So tired! T___T Yesterday we mostly just slept but at evening we went to Lisa and Duki's place to see their dog called Happy, eat and watch some movie \(^▽^\)
I'm sorry I haven't answered to comments for a while 'cos I haven't had much time to be on computer. I try to reply as soon as possible ヽ(ω・ヽ)(ノ・ω)ノ