I was watching E News yesterday and everybody was kinda making a big deal about these pics.. me I think tyler shields did an amazing job with this shoot I like lindsay lohan I don't care how much crack she does "allegedly" how much she drinks and party or who the hell she's sleeping with i mean really who gives a shit that's her life let her do what she wants to do but...I really wish she pull a britney spears and make a huge comeback she's talented to me [I like alot of the movies she's done -Mean Girls etc..and I even liked her music] and it sucks that people are always picking at her in the words of Chris Crocker Leave Lindsay Alone lol..Sorry about the long title i'm listening to rihanna's g4l and i thought the title goes well with the pics.. What do you guys think about the pics?
Go Check Out Tyler Shield's Portfolio his work is amazing...